2021 JudoSA Schools Competition

The JudoSA Schools Competition will be held on Saturday 14th of August 2021 at the Lights. The Competition is open to all JudoSA members (white/yellow to brown belt) who are attending Primary or Secondary School in 2021 ie Reception to Year 12, including a special MON division for 6 to 8 year old children. (Download Competition Flyer here)
The event will run from morning to early afternoon, commencing with a NewGen Training session at 9.30 am run by the State Coaching Team for the players before the MON bouts commence around 10.30am.
The MON division pools will be set up to include players who are within 10% of the each others weight and players of a similar experience level will be grouped by belt colour as much as possible.
The NewGen Training sessions are open to all junior players, not just to the competitors at the competition.
Weigh-in for all Competitors is on Saturday morning at The Lights 8.30 to 9.00 am. Changes to weight divisions will be allowed at time of weigh-in.
Registrations are online only as per the link below:
- Updated: July 24, 2021