Big Change – We MOVED

We have moved…… Our new head office can now be found at
244-270 East Parkway (corner or Hampstead Road and East Parkway, Lightsview SA 5085
Postal Address Is PO Box 1150, Clearview SA 5085
New Phone Number 0417 394 362
Office Hours remain the same, 8:00am- 1:00pm Tuesday and Thursdays at Lightview.

We would like to thank the following people for their help either on the moving day both before or after with the finishing processes. Christine Hustig, Thomas Baltussen, Meera Verma, Erin Burgess, Shae-Woollatt Prosser and Last but no means least CBD Movers and the tow gentleman who moved the “Bulk of the Office” they were amasing, polite, efficient, they worked really well together, helpful especially for those people who are too short to reach items on top shelves.
- Updated: November 26, 2019