CAF Course July 2023 Great turnout
What an interesting day!! Thankyou once again goes to the outstanding clubs who participated at our recent Coaching Accreditation Framework Course, a special Thanks to the host of the day Kangaroo Judo Club once again a brilliant session and facilities. We had some old Coaches returning to update their Accreditations, a few new coaches, and some assistant coaching all learning some new techniques or improving on their skill sets,
Some of the coaches really enjoyed the new games to engage the kids and some learnt more about encouraging the more senior players to participate more.
Clubs involved were Kangaroo Judo Club, Whyalla Judo Club, Western Youth Judo Club, University Judo Club, Tiger Judo Club, Parafield Gardens Judo Club, Port Augusta Judo Club, Kazoku Judokan, Flinders University Judo Club, Elizabeth Special Needs Judo Club, Adelaide University Judo Club.
This amasing group of people had the combined Judo Experience of close too 1000 years of Knowledge between them with the lowest being about 4-8 years each to others having around 20-60 years in Judo truly amasing.

If anyone has other images, we are more that happy to include them. send them to
- By Lea Prosser
- Updated: August 10, 2023